Treat Pain and Injury Naturally
Clinical Acupuncture is always based on relieving symptoms of pain and discomfort, and at the same time healing the root cause of that painful condition. That is the key to getting well and staying well for good - Acupuncture's secret greatest strength.
The philosophy is simple: when you find and rebalance the culprits that cause painful reactions, the body can begin to repair itself. The body can focus its power on healing strength, rather than fight off new illness caused by growing weaknesses.
Stretching, Walking, Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong => Gentle blood flow! Natural ways you can heal injury faster.
Injuries and the pain they cause can be debilitating and have a slow road to relief. Because Acupuncture focuses on enhancing your body's own healing ability, a specialised course of treatment can increase the efficiency and speed of recovery from your injury or ailment.
Many injuries require both an increase in oxygenated blood flow and general strengthening of the body in order heal properly:
Sports Injuries - pulled, overworked muscles/joints
Car Accident Victims
Post Operative Pain and Weakness
Pulled, Strained or Sprained Muscles
Acute Back and Neck Injuries
Arthritic and Joint Pains
Broken Limb Recovery
Chronic Muscle and Bone and Joint Disorders
Neuropathy and Neural Pain
If you suffer from any of the above...
Reducing pain and inflammation is key in the same time the aim to strengthen your body and mind to cope with the ups and downs of recovery.
Because Acupuncture effects both body and mind, having treatment during recovery from an operation, accident or injury can be the best coping mechanism to keep your spirits high, healing fast, and looking forward upon the road to wellness... getting there quicker so you can get back to being your vibrant self again.