hormones acupuncture

Acupuncture for Peri-Menopause

Embracing Menopause with Joy

A time to find the freedom in wisdom and rebirth.

In Chinese Medicine the natural state of

Menopause is referred to as:

“A Woman’s Second Spring…… 

A new phase of Rebirth, Wisdom and Joy”

Peri-menopause  and Menopause Symptoms

Whilst all women experience the same hormonal changes, your own BASIC HEALTH before and during menopause has a lot to do with the extent of your symptoms.


· Hot flush, Night Sweats, Restless Insomnia

· Mood Swings, Depression, Anxiety

· Irregular periods, severe PMT symptoms, Pain, Stiffness, Irritable bowel, Palpitations

· Decreased libido, Fatigue, Dizziness, Food cravings, Weight gain,  Bloating, Acid reflux


How does It work?

Acupuncture brings your hormones into balance and reduces anxiety through a process called homeostatic regulation. Its stimulation has been shown to improve the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis,  the mechanism controlling reproductive hormones.

How long will treatment last?

Answering this presents variables, as Menopausal symptoms are not an illness with a curative endpoint, but an alleviation of constitutional discomfort. Most women have remarkably reduced symptoms in just 3 weekly sessions, whilst long term effects are likely in 8-12 sessions, improvement growing with each visit.  Long term maintenance visits are every  8-10 weeks.

What happens when I come for treatment?

In ongoing courses sessions will be spent discussing your progress, and addressing any worries or concerns you may have. Then usually 6-12 needles will be inserted gently as you lie relaxing, fully-clothed, resting for 20 minutes or so as the needles work. Very simple. And afterwards most people are so calm and refreshed they feel a light clarity and are tranquil for many days.

How does it affect my daily lifestyle?

Committing to Acupuncture is about managing your own long term health solutions, and proactively exposing your body and mind to the power of your own natural healing response. Jess is an experienced specialist in Anti-Ageing Medicine and may combine Nutritional Therapy and adjunct Reflexology to enhance and educate you for informed daily health practices to carry with you for years to come.

How will Acupuncture help my symptoms?

By stimulating neurotransmitters, Acupuncture can naturally balance the endocrine system, meaning balance all hormone activity. Rather than try to restore your hormones to the levels they were in your 20s and 30s, Chinese medicine works to smooth your transition by improving energy and constitution, bringing your body into an alleviated balance, ie., no more symptoms!

Why Acupuncture?

Clinical evidence-based trials have proven it to be a viable and long lasting health solution.  Women suffering from symptoms have been treated for over 3000 years successfully, DRUG-FREE. Reduce the many risks associated with HRT and synthetic drugs.                 

PMT: Pre-Menstrual Tension - How Do I Relieve The Discomfort??



Almost all women of age suffer with PMT at one time or another, if not all their lives. This simply doesn’t have to be the way. Gentle and nourishing ACUPUNCTURE is generally a pleasant and relaxing experience, and balances hormones so well that PMT quickly becomes a thing of the past. 

Imagine your monthly PMT gone, forever. 




PMS is associated with imbalanced levels of progesterone and excess oestrogen and can be responsible for many physical and emotional symptoms in the days leading to menstruation: 

  • Mood swings

  • Food cravings

  • Depression

  • Bloating and Fluid

  • Breast tenderness

  • Headaches

These symptoms vary from woman to woman but can begin as much as two weeks before a period and usually end an hour to a few days after the onset of menstruation. About half of all women regularly suffer from PMT and up to 10% suffer from extreme symptoms. 



  • Increase intake of mineral water, and drink herbal teas

  • Ensure you eat lean sources of protein including chicken, fresh fish, turkey and non animal based protein including legumes, pulses, lentils, brown rice and nuts

  • Eat regular meals and small snacks, and include some protein with each snack and meal

  • Increase dietary fibre by including some nuts and seeds, whole grains, lots of veg

  • Increase your intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs) through consumption of oily fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, plus avocado, nuts and seeds (no peanuts)

  • Phytoestrogens (found abundantly in soy products) may exert a balancing effect when oestrogen levels are elevated. (legumes, seeds, soy, beans, plant proteins)

  • Take a good multivitamin/mineral tablet daily as directed.