Pregnancy Acupuncture Support
Acupuncture and Pregnancy? – All Natural Benefits!
Acupuncture during pregnancy benefits mother and therefore can help baby.
Regular acupuncture treatments to balance energy during pregnancy could aide hormone and balance…. and help prevent complications.
It’s extensively used in pregnancy management to treat :
back pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches, migraine, constipation and dental pain.
Other antenatal ailments, which can be successfully treated with Acupuncture, include:
hyperemesis, sciatica, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, constipation, heartburn, carpal tunnel syndrome, oedema, abdominal pain, skin problems, anxiety and breech presentation.
Every developmental stage has a need for Acupuncture!
Balancing small issues OR treating special presesntations!
Acupuncture is particularly effective in...
• Encouraging breech babies to turn
• Stimulating contractions and bring on overdue labour
• Aiding control in bleeding after delivery
• Speeding up healing after Caesarean sections
• Relieving morning sickness and hyperemesis gravidarum (severe vomiting which threatens to cause dehydration). Research has found that acupuncture can reduce discomfort significantly
• Alleviating bleeding, tiredness and headaches
• Relieving heartburn and haemorrhoids
• Reducing discomfort from sciatica, backache, pubic and joint pain (SPD) and even carpal tunnel syndrome
** And dont forget the importance of healthy before conception and especially POST NATAL health…ACUPUNCTURE benefits your journey in every way, every day.